Privacy Policy

Statement of Purpose

Sundale Community Foundation Ltd (SCF) understands privacy is an important issue and is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. This privacy policy explains how personal information will be dealt with by SCF. The policy is designed to ensure that SCF and its Board members comply with and observe the statutory requirements of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 (“Act”).

The Australian Privacy Principles(“APPS”) as prescribed by the Act govern our collection, use and disclosure of personal information. Further detail regarding the APPS is available at:

This Privacy Policy does not replace or limit the requirements under the Act and the APPS.

Collection of personal information.

SCF collects personal information that is used in determining which applicants will be successful in securing a financial grant from SCF each year. SCF maintains records concerning personal information which may be stored electronically and/or in hard copy files.

The personal Information that is collected is used in determining financial grants to be made and may be shared with others including via the SCF website which can be viewed by the public.

The type of personal information SCF collects includes but is not limited to:

  • name and address,
  • email address,
  • telephone and facsimile,
  • organisation information and details, and
  • business details including financial information, charity status and DGR registration status with the ATO.

SCF also collects personal information from third parties via searches such as ASIC, ATO, ACNC and other sources.

Use and disclosure of personal information SCF Grant applications:

Applicants consent to SCF use of personal information submitted.

Personal information will be used in part in determining whether an application is successful for a financial grant, and for reasonable secondary purposes such as disclosures required by law e.g. in response to a lawful request for information or a subpoena issued by ( but not limited to ) ASIC, ACNC, or the ATO. Applicant’s personal information may also be used in media releases surrounding successful grant applicants.

Subject to the preceding paragraph:

  • Applicant’s personal information is only disclosed for the purposes for which it was collected, and
  • SCF will only disclose personal information for another purpose with the applicant’s consent.

There are exceptional circumstances under the Act where SCF is permitted to disclose personal information for another purpose without the applicant’s consent including without limitation where the disclosure is authorised by law and reasonably necessary to enforce the law e.g. if SCF is subpoenaed.

Correction of personal information

SCF relies on the accuracy of the personal information SCF collects from the applicant and third parties. SCF may not check or verify the personal information provided by the applicant or others. SCF asks the applicant to advise SCF of any changes or corrections to the applicant’s personal information.

Information security

SCF will take steps to ensure that all records of the applicant’s personal information are maintained in a secure environment. Records regarding personal information are accessible by all SCF Board members and advisers who are subject to privacy obligations. All personal information collected will be kept for a minimum period of seven years.

Accessing personal information

On request, an applicant may access its personal information held by SCF except in circumstances where it may be denied under the Act. Examples of these circumstances include (but are not limited to) :

  • Where providing access would pose an unreasonable impact on the privacy of another,
  • Where providing access may prejudice an investigation of a possible unlawful activity, or
  • Where denying access is authorised by law.

Should access be denied SCF will provide the applicant with reasons for the decision.

To make a request for access to personal information please email SCF at the address stated on the SCF website.